How to display barcode of a product in Sales Order tree view ?
I want to display product barcode in Sales Order tree view. When a product has variants, it should display the barcode of that product variant.
@Cybrosys Techno Solutions Pvt.Ltd
That I have already done it in product.template.product.tree view. But now I want to display it in sale.order.tree view. So how can I do it with custom addons?
I tried creating barcode_id (a many2one field) in sale.order model and after that i created a related field 'barcode'.
barcode_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="product.product")
barcode = fields.Char(related='barcode_id.barcode', string="Product Barcode", required=False, store=True).
I am getting the 'Product Barcode' column in sale.order.tree view, but the product barcode is not displayed in the column.