I updated quantity on hand and did a internal transfer to another location with type of `internal location` and parent is `Physical location`. In product master quantity on hand shows 270, when i click on that smart button it redirects to stock valuation page, in there system show 766 in two different location (270 + 496).
The quantity 270 is available at stock location which system created and 496 is available in another internal location created by me. System only fetch value from default stock location, not include another internal location why?
How can i include this quantity?
Please refer these images:
1. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-7JkcVOHuxWJoD9m5vlAgmHxcxXBZmhq
2. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kUnf45w5TELYTe891mu8AYVEjhK5QENJ