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4 Replies

Hello All,

Please how do I change the discount in percentage on sales order lines to flat rate? For example. If the total price of an item is 500 I want to give a flat discount of 100 so the total price should update to 400

Thank you


Hi More9ike, I hope you are desiring to deduct the discount from the total order amount.

you can use pricelist and define discount

I think you want to give the discount on the "Subtotal" of the Sales Order Line and not on the whole Sales Order. Correct me if I ma wrong.

Best Answer

 Hi More9ike,

W.r.t your query, I have gone through it and tried to replicate it. Currently in Odoo there is no option to apply discount on total price. This is because by configuring price list you would only be able to apply discount But one way which you can use to cater to your need of applying discount to your total amount is as below:-

1) Configure a product of type “Service”.

For E.g. :- I want to offer Christmas discount, hence I will configure a service type product with the name “Christmas Discount of Rs 100 Flat”

2) Then Configure Sale Price of the product as mentioned above as negative amount.

For E.g. If I want to offer Rs.100 flat discount on the total amount, then insert in the field Sale Price = “- Rs100”

3) Now while creating any Sales Order, you just need to add this service type product to the line item only once and it will provide you a discount of Rs.100 on the total amount as desired by you.

Hope this helps.


Best Answer

Hi firstly to be able to apply the discount in Odoo V8 ensure that in Settings->Sales->Configuration you check/select the Customner Feature  'Use pricelists to adapt your price per customer' in the Quotations and sales orders section.

Now in 'Sales' go to Configuration->Pricelists->Pricelists on mine I'm just using the 'Public Pricelist' as I don;t have specific prices per customer. When I open the 'Public Pricelist' there is one entry called 'Default public pricelist version' , you need to select 'Edit' on that page and then select the name 'Default public pricelist version', this will take you to the screen belonging to this pricelist and you should see whatever rules you already have there. You can select the specific product or product template first and then apply the rule, the format of the rule is:

New Price = Base Price *(1+  <field 1>) + (field 2) then you have two fields you can complete with a number, so for example if I wanted to deduct 20% I would set <field 1) to -0.20, however if I want to use a static number I would use <field 2>, so for example if I wanted to apply a discount of 100, the final formulas would be 'Base Price *(1+ 0.0000) + -100.00' so for me using UK GBP this would deduct £100 from the product price.


Thank you Akram, but this does not address my problem. If I use static data method for example, it will deduct the discount from the unit price before multiply the result by the quantity of the product. What I want is that, if the unit price is 100 per product and customer is buying 20 for example the total price would be 2000 and I want to apply the static discount to the total price e.g. 100 then I should have 2000 -100 = 1900 as total price. Please help!