Objective: To know what our “Booked” sales are.
Version: 11 Enterprise Self Hosted
Detail: Presently, I often try to track what our estimated sales are for the year, to compare against our top-line sales target.
Billed Sales: A sales that has been invoiced. The total amount of billed sales for the year can be read from the profit and loss statement.
Booked Sales: Sales orders that have been created but haven’t been invoiced yet. I can estimate from there what our year end revenues will be; i.e. assume that all orders will be billed within the next 3 months.
What I’m struggling with is a way to find out what our booked sales are. It is complicated by the fact that we bill down-payments. So the sales orders are partially invoiced.
Years ago, this was done by using a field named “rate” that represented a percentage of the sales order that was booked.
How does one determine Booked and un-invoiced sales?
How does one determine Booked and un-invoiced sales?