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Hi everyone,

When we add a new line to a duplicated delivery order. The duplicated delivery order disappears from the delivery orders list of the sales order.

Here are the steps causing the duplicated delivery order to be lost:

1) Create and confirm a sale order, and press on "View Delivery Order"

2) Duplicate the delivery order.

3) Add a new delivery order line.

4) Save the duplicated delivery order.

5) Go back to the sales order

6) Press on "View Delivery Orders"

7) The duplicated delivery order does not appear. Only the original delivery order appears

However, deleting a delivery order line, does NOT cause the delivery order to disappear. The delivery order disappears only if we add a new delivery order line. 

On the other hand, every thing work fine when working on a fresh installation.

I even uninstalled all of the custom modules I created on my installation, yet the issue persists.

How can we make the lost delivery order appear when press "View Delivery Orders"?

Best Answer

 Hi Ahmed Ababneh,

I tried to replicate your issue by following the steps you mentioned, but in my case the duplicated delivery order always appears in status Draft” along with the original delivery order which appears in status “waiting for availability”.

As in your case your are unable view the duplicate delivery order, you can search for the duplicate delivery order by going to Sales Order>View delivery Order>Click on the delivery order visible to you>Switch to List view>Advance Search. In Advance search select Source Document as it would be same for Original and Duplicate delivery order.

For E.g. If a single Sales Order had an original and duplicate delivery order, both would contain the same Source Document hence searching by Source Document you would be able to search for the duplicate delivery order.

Hope this helps


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