Hi, I've created a custom module in which I added these three models named "dipendenti.py" (just consider it such as "students" to simplify things), "corso.py" and "edizione.py" (in Italian, "corso" is a word used to refer to a course in general, such as it would be literature, and "edizione" is a word used to refer to a specific course that has been holded, such as it would be literature in XX-HighSchool in 9th grade in the 2020-21 academic year). I'll write down the important code lines to contextualize:
class Dipendente(models.Model):
[...]codice_fiscale = fields.Char(string="Codice Fiscale", size=16, required=True)
dipendente_edizioni = fields.Many2many("piani_formazione.edizione","tabella_dipendenti_edizioni","codice_fiscale","numero",string="Edizioni frequentate")
class Corso(models.Model):
_name ="piani_formazione.corso"
[...]codice = fields.Char(string="Codice", required=True)
edizioni_corso = fields.One2many("piani_formazione.edizione","edizione_corso", string="Edizioni erogate")
class EdizioneCorso(models.Model):
edizione_corso = fields.Many2one("piani_formazione.corso",string="Edizione del corso",required=True)
edizione_dipendenti = fields.Many2many("piani_formazione.dipendente","tabella_dipendenti_edizioni","numero","codice_fiscale",string="Frequentanti")
Now I would like to add to the "edizione.py" a computed field, that for each record ("for each edizione") registers how many dipendenti ("students") have attended that edizione ("specific course"). But I don't know how to count such quantity from tables, since the Many2many relation generates tables instead of lists.
@samuel I tried, but, since the relation creates a table and not a list, "len()" seems to not work on it