OE 12
I ve defined a defered revenue type 1 year 12 entries with
Deferred Revenue Account 487000
Recognition Income Account 705000
Recognition Account 487000
When I make an invoice of 888 €, account 411 is debited and
account 487 is credited
System also generates a defered revenue 74 € each month
I validate the first month
account 487 get debited and account 705 gets credited
then I make a credit note for the invoice and account 487 is
debited and account 411 is credited with 888 €
Balance of 411 is then zero
Account 487 has a debit of 74 € and account 705 has a credit of
74 € (first defered revenue)
Now if I want to "Sell or Dispose" the defered revenue, system
will create an entry
with 814 € debited on 487 and credited on 705 which is just not correct because at the end I will get 888 € credited on 705 and débited on 487
Any help is welcome