Dear Forum!
I have a field called current, this field is a compute field that gives employees the number of holidays left in the current year. But I should only deduct the value from the remaining leave if the type of leave is annual leave.yearly_holidays_ids = fields.One2many('hr.employee.yearly.holidays', 'employee_id')
current = fields.Integer(compute="_get_current", store=True)
def _get_current(self):
for record in self:
current_year =
total_record = record.yearly_holidays_ids.filtered(lambda lm:lm.year == current_year)
if len(total_record) > 1:
total_record = total_record[0]
record.current = total_record.remaining_count
elif len(total_record) == 1:
record.current = total_record.remaining_count
elif len(total_record) == 0:
record.current = 0
Do I need the annual leave ID?