i want to create a sequence field in the res.partner model, from my custom module (my_module)
for that i proceeded this way
class ResPartner(models.Model): _inherit = 'res.partner'
account_number_is = fields.Char(string="Account Number")
@api.model def create(self, vals): if vals.get('account_number_is', ('New')) == ('New'): vals['account_number_is'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('acount.number.test') or ('New') result = super(ResPartner, self).create(vals) return result
and in the /data/sequence.xml i declared my sequence
<record id="seq_scanning_test" model="ir.sequence"> <field name="name">Account Number Test</field> <field name="code">acount.number.test</field> <field name="prefix">Bq/</field> <field name="padding">4</field> <field name="company_id" eval="False"/> </record>
what i realize is that the create function dosent find the sequence because it isn't in the same model, so for that i tried this code
@api.model def create(self, vals): if vals.get('account_number_is', ('New')) == ('New'): vals['account_number_is'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('my_module.acount.number.test') or ('New') result = super(ResPartner, self).create(vals) return result
but still dosent work yet, what i am still missing ?