Hello everyone,
I am using Odoo 12 and have the need to use a value from "res_config_settings" on attributes in xml.
For this, and with the help of @Haresh Kansara on this post: https://www.odoo.com/fr_FR/forum/aide-1/question/direct-access-to-ir-config-parameter-on-field-definition-167424
... I have defined on my model:
def get_field_value(self):
config = self.env['ir.config_parameter']
return config.sudo().get_param('my_model.my_key')
my_field = fields.Char('My Field String', default='get_field_value')
This is allowing me to get the current value from key on ir_config_parameter and use it as attribute condition on XML.
My problem is I don't want to save this value on the database and just need id for XML attribute condition purposes and tried to use "store=False", but this way, my field is not shown anymore.
my_field = fields.Char('My Field String', default='get_field_value', store=False)
Adding "store=False", the field is not shown on form view anymore.
I actually need it for use on XML attribute conditions, but do want it to be saved on the database.
My question is: How to use it on XML attribute condition, without saving it to database? I want it to be loaded when user is working on form view and at the end have it "discarded".
Thank you in advance
Best regards
Why don't you use compute='get_field_value' Instead of default?