my model: school.partner.school
Here is the declaration of my field:
foyer_id = fields.Many2one(string="Foyer", comodel_name="horanet.relation.foyer")
Here is my function to show you what I want to extract when exporting data:
@api.onchange('school_statut') def _get_import_id_foyer(self): if self.school_statut: record_ids = self.env["ir.model.data"].search([('res_id', '=', self.partner_id.foyer_relation_ids.foyer_id.id), ('module', '=', 'horanet_tpa_smartbambi')]) for rec in record_ids: print "Import ID Foyer de " + str(self._origin.partner_id.name) + " est : " + rec.name
My problem :
I wish that during my export, the focus_id field exports the external identifier which is located on the name field of the table ir.model.data,
except that currently Odoo is exporting something like this: horanet_relation_foyer_5432.
Why ?
Example, for the partner_id (of the same model) which is declared like this:
partner_id = fields.Many2one(string="Child", comodel_name="res.partner")
I have no problem. It gets me the external ID and not res_partner_3501.
Why ?
Can you help me ?
Thank you