Dear Community,
our problem is a very simple one: we got products that should be entered in integer form and others in decimal.
E.g. -> Unit is INT and Kilogram is Decimal
If we create a Sale Order the input of the quantity es equal the settings in Product Unit of Measure
So if we use INT it is not possible to enter a decimal at products with UoM Kilogram
If we set decimal precision it is allowed to enter decimal values at products with UoM Unit
So the global setting does not work for us.
We tried to manipulate SaleOrderLine -> modify the field -> bu at initiating the Class we do not know which field to use
Also it seems not possible to use an "if" statement in xml -> sale_view.xml replace the input field -> we tried to use the integer widget if the product_uom === unit -> but if statements are not possible
Our workaround is that we check the input on.change -> if UoM unit convert the input to integer
Does anybody know how to achieve this? Allow only integer input in SaleOrder if UoM is Unit and otherwise Decimal precision?
Thank you in advance,
best regards