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2 Replies

What does this mean: database neutralized for testing purposes? 
And how do I set things right again?

This happened after I switched OFF reCaptcha, after which everything was deleted - very strange. I contacted Odoo support and asked whether they could restore database, website and eCommerce from a backup. This they did, but after this I tried to contact support again, but they never replied and now I am stuck with this 'half' restored thing.


Please keep working with Odoo Support.

Their last message to you was on Friday after business hours - your replies were over the weekend. 

Posting that "they never replied" after that team has only been working for 5 hours today is a bit unfair.

Reply from Roel reshared here as it container personal information as posted.

"Dear Ray,

Thanks for your reply at the forum. I think you could better reply at my 'Task' with this support ticket #3736254
Nevertheless, you say I am unfair. I don't think so.
Victor Hernández (vhz) last contact with me at: 9 feb 2024 22:05:18
I replied to this on: 9 feb 2024 22:51:44 (with an OK to restore this version of the backup!)
I just contacted the European telephone support of Odoo and they told me that Victor Hernández replies from Mexico which has a time difference of 7 hours with The Netherlands, so his working hours (17:00) should be in my timezone 24:00.
How come he could not reply to my reaction of his request, as it was not after business hours?

Kind regards,

Roele Heerema"

I see from the Support Ticket your problem with the restoration of the backup has now been resolved.

Author Best Answer


Thanks for your reply! It is clear to me. However, this has to do with a support representative, who should transfer the backup to a working solution.

Best Answer

"Database neutralized for testing purposes" typically refers to a process where sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII) within a database is either removed or anonymized in order to use the database for testing without risking exposure of private data.

Depending on version and edition type, Assuming it enterprise edition the support can help if clearly explained situation. In my personal opinion you have to restore a database (That's why it advised by odoo to get a backup of database & data for operations like duplication or deleting database action). In simpler words explaination you can refer to similar Niyas answer ->
