I have created two fields in the Odoo 'Sales -> Product module' they are 'Family' & 'SupFamily' columns I need to search the product bases on those values in the columns in the search bar on the top right of the Odoo in my local mechine.
and my configurations are given below..
how to make my customized field as the searchable field as the 'Name' field in the Odoo 'Sales -> Product module'.
And how to reset the Odoo modules to default settings.
(‘x_RDFamily′,’=’,'A') -> Direct Filter on the form
(‘x_RDFamily′,’=’,'A') -> Indirect Filter through the configuration
<field name="x_RDFamily" domain =[(‘x_RDFamily′,’=’,'A'),(‘x_RDFamily′,’=’,'B')]/>
<field name="x_RDFamily" string="Family" filter_domain="['|',('default_code','ilike',self),('x_RDFamily','ilike',self)]"/>
<field name="x_RDFamily" string="Family" filter_domain="[('Family','ilike',self)]"/>