hello I am a beginner in Odoo so I want to customize the buttons when found in the header:
<button name="action_rfq_send" states="draft" string="Send RFQ by Email" type="object" context="{'send_rfq':True}" class="oe_highlight"/>
<button name="action_rfq_send" states="sent" string="Re-Send RFQ by Email" type="object" context="{'send_rfq':True}"/>
<button name="print_quotation" string="Print RFQ" type="object" states="draft" class="oe_highlight" groups="base.group_user"/>
<button name="print_quotation" string="Print RFQ" type="object" states="sent" groups="base.group_user"/>
<button name="button_confirm" type="object" states="draft" string="Confirm Order" id="draft_confirm"/>
<button name="button_confirm" type="object" states="sent" string="Confirm Order" class="oe_highlight" id="bid_confirm"/>
<button name="button_approve" type="object" states="to approve" string="Approve Order" class="oe_highlight" groups="purchase.group_purchase_manager"/>
<button name="action_rfq_send" states="purchase" string="Send PO by Email" type="object" context="{'send_rfq':False}"/>
<button name="action_view_picking" string="Receive Products" class="oe_highlight" type="object" attrs="{'invisible': ['|', '|' , ('is_shipped', '=', True), ('state','not in', ('purchase','done')), ('picking_count', '=', 0)]}"/>
<button name="button_draft" states="cancel" string="Set to Draft" type="object"/>
<button name="button_cancel" states="draft,to approve,sent,purchase" string="Cancel" type="object"/>
<button name="button_done" type="object" string="Lock" states="purchase"/>
<button name="button_unlock" type="object" string="Unlock" states="done" groups="purchase.group_purchase_manager"/>
<field name="state" widget="statusbar" statusbar_visible="draft,sent,purchase" readonly="1"/>
example in the purchase module:
a user who created the price request
another user who has adjusted the button confirm the order or cancel
another user who has just the button reception by article
another user to create the supplier invoice
and another user who just has the payment
I know I need to add groups and associate each button to the group I want using groups = "base.group_user"
my question is how to use these buttons in my code because I can not edit directly in the code and example of how to create a group