I am new to Odoo and really impressed by the quality.
I am helping a friend to implement Odoo for a non profit organization.
Their Accounting is not really like most companies
- all/most their income are funds coming from different other organizations like Red Cross.
- their clients are the needy people they help (money donation , groceries coupon, clothes , medical assistance, trainings, vouchers ...).
What would be the easiest way to handle this in accounting since normally "a customer" pays you money but here, the customer get money from the organization.
I am asking here if anyone has done it before.
Do I do it as customer refunds in Odoo or is better to create my own module for it to handle clients, the aid they receive and make sure this logged somewhere in the accounting?
I hope my question is clear, if not let me know I will update it or rephrase it.
What did they/you do?