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3 Replies


i recently migrate my database in V14 and i can't manage to deal with the new customer invoice sequence ...

in V13, i edit the sequence by editing the journal (screen capture bellow) or in developper mode, "configuration - technique - sequence - edit"

but in V14, my historical sequence used in V13 semms to be inactive, new sequence format is active and i don't see where and how to customize them.

and finaly activate them on my customer invoice

i want the same format than in my old V13 : %(range_year)s-%(month)s- ended by sequence number in the time interval bellow.

anyone to help me to customise the current new V14 sequence ?

Best Answer

Hello Sandrine,

you must use "/" as separator between year, month and number... in the sequence.
Sequence in V14 (for invoice) is not as in V13...

My comment here:



hi Denis,

you're right, but my problem is not the "/" or the "-" separator.

i just want the sequence number reset by year, not by month.

the equivalent of "%range-year%" in V13 when select "use sub-sequence by date interval"

in v14 the range_month seems to be default ....


try to resequence your invoices:

- in view list, select your invoices (made in 2021), click on Action ->


- First New Sequence: FAC/2021/001

- Ordering: choose "Keep current order"

Now, if you create an invoice (with invoice date 31 Dec 2020), number of that invoice will be FAC/2020/XXX

To be sure not to have problem with sequence of previous year (if you need to make invoice on 2020), resequence also invoices of 2020.

In 2022, the 1st invoice will be FAC/2022/001

Sorry but I can't upload pictures to show that...


Author Best Answer

thank you Kiran,

but resequence is not the solution for me.

V14 sequence format is active and by default : YYYY-mm-1234, with 1234 sequenced in the current month.
but i don't see where and how to customize them to be compliant with french fiscal rules : the number “1234” MUST be incremental int the fiscal year not in the month.

V14 sequence are dynamics and can be good for country where the law is compliant with this.

but french fiscal law said that the number must be incremental without chain break.

that why old sequence in V13 are good to be compliant with the option "use sub-sequence by date interval" => how can i disable dynamic sequence and use the sequence listed in the sequence screen ?
