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Some of our vendors require that we provide them with Point of Sales Reports on a monthly basis.  They ask that we provide them with a list of the products we've sold along with the name of the customer we sold to and their address.  

I would like ultimately be able to export the data as a csv file.  Has anyone done this or perhaps have an idea of where to start.

1 Filter products shipped per date range

2 Filter products shipped by vendor

3 Include Product number, customer name, customer address 

Thank you all in advance.

Best Answer


There is no module make the relation between vendors and customers in odoo, most of the relations between vendors and products, customer and products

you have to write a small code to do that, Here you are my suggestion

  • Make a new view for sale.order.line to show the vendors in the view, simple related field to bring all vendors for this product

  • in the new view you have the three information you need, products, customers and vendors you can make your desired search criteria with pivot view or default search view

  • If you are using Point Of Sale instead of Sales module in the selling process you can do the same in the order.line of the Orders page in the POS page

Hope This help you 
