Hi all,
I've tried to customize report_invoice_document adding a new field, but the changes introduced are not shown in the pdf report (neither removing an existing field)
So I've created a custom module with a custom template trying to add a custom field on the existing pdf:
<!--Inherit invoice pdf report template-->
<template id="template_report_invoice_document_extended" inherit_id="account.report_invoice_document">
<xpath expr="//div[contains(@class, 'mt16') and contains(.//span, 'Partita IVA:')]" position="after">
<div t-if="o.partner_id.x_fiscal_code" class="mt16">Codice Fiscale:<span t-field="o.partner_id.x_fiscal_code"/></div>
but even if the module is correctly imported it is not working, I get always the same pdf report (the xpath expr seem work, because if I change the string in <span> element from Partita IVA: to other name, the import goes in error...)
I dont know how to get my pdf customized, because neither modifying the original one, neither creating a custom module I'm able to customize it.
Try to create a new invoice (state = Draft) and print it.