I have created a custom field in studio, and made it computed. The objective is to get a deploy command for Odoo in odoo.sh based on the modules the customer have purchased subscription.
I am using this to get in a field the technical name of the apps concatenated. Nevertheless, odoo is translating the name of the modules and the deploy command I get is unusable:
The field
is a many2many field bringing the modules relationship (ir.module.module)
The field:
is a char computed, with translatable boolean not checked
for r in self:
apps = ','.join(r.x_studio_field_99u64.mapped('name'))
if 'stock' in apps:
localization = 'l10n_cl_edi_stock'
localization = 'l10n_cl_edi'
r['x_studio_field_ShsE3'] = 'odoo-bin -i %s,%s --load-language es_CL --stop-after-init' % (apps, localization)
The result is this:
odoo-bin -i Almacén,Compras,Contabilidad,Invoicing Management,Ventas,l10n_cl_edi --load-language es_CL --stop-after-init
instead of:
odoo-bin -i stock,purchase....