I would like to put on my home page a widget that I currently use in the event detail module with the follow code:
<span t-field="event.with_context(tz=event.date_tz).date_begin" t-options='{"widget": "widgetname"}'/>
Is it possible to set a custom date (i.e. 01.01.2018 00:01 ) instead of event.with_context(tz=event.date_tz).date_begin ?
If that is not possible, instead how could I refer to a specific date event? changing the value event.with_context(tz=event.date_tz).date_begin to something like event.with_context(id=10,tz=event.date_tz).date_begin
Which version... ?
To have the event, you can do : request.env['event.event'].browse(10).date_begin
To format it, you can use babel syntax with the options 'format' (in last version), or if you just want to remove second, you can use options 'hide_second'...
@jke: it is working fine.