I use odoo 10 and import products with my own code. This is working, but I added now a function, to save some infos and reload at next import:
if (os.path.isfile(self.data_path + '/remainingAccessories.npy')):
logger.info("load saved remaining Accessories file: " + self.data_path + '/remainingAccessories.npy')
remainingAccessories = np.load(self.data_path + '/remainingAccessories.npy')
logger.info("remaining Accessories size : " + len(remainingAccessories))
remainingAccessories = {}
The probem is always (np.load) ... when the code reach this line, I get:
WARNING company odoo.sql_db: Cursor not closed explicitly
When I use this line in a own python programm, I get no problem. And why are loading numpy saved file run in a SQL error?
Thank you!