(Odoo V9 on CentOs7)
Is there a trusty guide to create a database template and from there create others and fill them up with data to end user's?
Ive been trying to access to Postgresql and clone a database ex.: production.domain.local, but when ever I tried to create a child database thru the web portal all apps do not load, the web interface does not load properly, I've tried to follow https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-quality-tools/issues/299 and https://www.odoo.com/es_ES/forum/ayuda-1/question/updated-how-do-i-prevent-website-common-asset-files-from-constantly-not-being-found-ioerror-errno-2-no-such-file-or-directory-92982, but without success.
Is there a way to do it manually or by using a script?
Steps done:
1- create first db called template.domain.local
2- Install all modules, configure accordingly.
3- Stop odoo service.
4- Access to postgresql db from shell using psql.
5- Clone template.domain.local to p1-template and owner odoo
6- Modify odoo config to use new template p1-template
7- Access the other web portal as production.domain.local and create the new db as the domain expect.
- At this stage I got many errors like: ir_attachment :No such file or directory: u'/var/lib/odoo/filestore/db-test/61/e6900asdfasfde0680....
- The loging page seems trunked and the only way to access to it is by adding .../web?debug
Thanks in advanced for help.