Hi, I'm actually strungling with the creation of an Invoice using the external API. I'm able to create a product with the external api as I'm also able to create a partner.
But when i'm trying to create an invoice with thoses lines:
#create invoice
id_partner = '54'
invoice_id = models.execute_kw(db, uid, password,
'account.move', 'create', [{
'partner_id' : id_partner,
I'm just getting an ERROR 500 from my Odoo server.
I'm also strugling creating an invoice_line in an already existing Invoice.
Any help would be appreciated.
ps: Is this way to do a good way or should I do it differently?
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Hi Guys,
I solve the same problem celestin ,
with this function
def invoiceAdd(self, invoiceNam):
invoice_id = self.ODOO_OBJECT.execute_kw(
, self.UID
, self.PASS
, 'account.move'
, 'create'
, invoiceNam
if invoice_id:
return invoice_id
return None
que j'appelle avec ceci
invoiceNam = [{
'partner_id' : partner_id
, 'state' : 'draft'
, 'type' : 'out_invoice'
# , 'journal_id' : '1'
# , 'date_invoice' : date.today()
, 'invoice_payment_term_id' : '1'
# , 'date_due': dat
invoice_line = [(0,True, {'product_id': product_id,'quantity':2})]
# list_inv=od.invSe()
# print(list_inv)
invoice_id = od.invoiceAdd(invoiceNam)
but i find the solution of invoice_line
Hi Célestine,
Please try to identify what fields are required when you create an invoice from the user interface. And then propose the same fields when creating from the API.
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