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Hello, I am currently working on a module that has a model with a start and end date. I'm trying to work out how to create one2many records for each day from start to end, automatically during the creation of a record. See the code:

class Order(models.Model):
_name = 'tms.order'
company_id = fields.Many2one('',string = 'Client')
description = fields.Text()
start_date = fields.Datetime('Start Date',required = True)
end_date = fields.Datetime('End Date',required = True)
start_location = fields.Char()
end_location = fields.Char()
driver = fields.Many2one('hr.employee',string = 'Driver',required = True)
vehicle = fields.Many2one('fleet.vehicle')
working_days = fields.One2many('','order', ondelete='cascade')

def create(self, vals):
start = parser.parse(vals['start_date'])
stop = parser.parse(vals['end_date'])
if start < stop:
while start < (stop + timedelta(days=1)):
vals['working_days'] = self.env[''].create((0,0,{'date':start, 'driver': vals['driver']}))
start = start + timedelta(days=1) # increase day one by one
return super(Order, self).create(vals)

class Day(models.Model):
_name= ''

date = fields.Date()
utilisation_ratio = fields.Float("Utilisation ratio", compute='calculate_utilisation_ratio')
driver = fields.Many2one('hr.employee',string = 'Driver')
order = fields.Many2one('tms.order')

def calculate_utilisation_ratio(self):
total_number_of_drivers = self.count_total_drivers()
for day in self:
drivers_working_today = self.env[''].search_count([('date','=',])
day.utilisation_ratio = drivers_working_today/total_number_of_drivers

def count_total_drivers(self):
return self.env['hr.employee'].search_count([])

The above code produces records automatically with the creation of an tms.order, but the tms.days are not linked to any tms.orders. How can I link the Orders to the Days?

Best Answer

Try the following code in your create method by replacing this code:

vals['working_days'] = self.env[''].create((0,0,{'date':start, 'driver': vals['driver']}))

vals.update({'working_days': [(0, 0, {'date':start, 'driver': vals.get('driver')})]}) # link working days with the tms order


This creates a successfully linked Day record, but only one, for the last day of the Order. How can I change it to create records for each day the Order takes place (if the Order has a start date of 10th and end date of 12th, create a Day for the 10th, 11th, and 12th)?