I am writing a script which displays chatter onto a contact record. I have got this to work but I would like to change the Author_id.
I search for the Author Id based on an email address, this part works fine and gets the res.users id no problem (Id: 2). The correct Author Id is added to the create array, however once inside Odoo the author is displayed as OdooBot (Id: 1).
Here is the array which I print before placing into the PHP create function.
Array ( [message_type] => email [subject] => Test [body] => Body [res_id] => 3 [model] => res.partner [subtype_id] => 2 [author_id] => 2 )
I am going to continue to see if I can find any more about this issue, does anyone know why this would be happening?
The user which creates the message has Admin rights to everything.