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2 Replies

Can I create a task from an eMail / message in my inbox?

I do not want to create a task from an email automatically by sending it to a specified address. I want to create a task from a message I have in my inbox.


Try navigate to Settings > Configuration > Project > Helpdesk & Support then check the box for "Create issues from an incoming email account" to specify the Inbound email address and choose "Project Issue" on the Issues to perform.

I haven't yet discovered how to set the interval, perhaps somebody more knowledgeable may advise.


Thank you for the answers. But I do not want to create a task from an email automatically by sending it to a specified address. I want to create a task from a message I have in my inbox.

that is not possible, but you can simply resend that email for the functionality described in the other answers.

Ok So not possible now but a good idea ;)

Best Answer

Try navigate to Settings > Configuration > Project > Helpdesk & Support then check the box for Create issues from an incoming email account to specify the Inbound email address and choose Project Issue on the Issues to perform.

I haven't yet discovered how to set the interval, perhaps somebody more knowledgeable may advise.

Best Answer


Enable technical functionality on your user account.

Then go to setting -> technical -> email -> incoming email and add + setup a new entry. You should fin all field you need !

Ask if this is not the case.
