I have a custom module. I have a button when I click that button I want to create several lines based on the quantity of each line. for instance I have this record that contains two lines (Box = 9 && pack = 4). 9 & 4 are representing the quantity. When I click that button I want to create 9 records for the box line and 4 records for the pack line in another model. here is my code that gives me this error " can't adapt type 'generator' odoo "
def delivery_order(self): org = self.name delivery = self.env['logistic.warehouse'].create({ 'name': self.name, 'state': 'draft', # 'picking_type_id': 1, # 'partner_id': self.partner_id.id, 'consignee_id': self.consignee_id.id, 'date_of_receive': self.date_of_receive, 'origin': self.name, 'warehouse_line_ids': [((0, 0, { 'origin': org, 'description': qyt.description, 'weight': qyt.weight })for qyt in range(line.quantity)) for line in self.product_line_ids] }) return delivery