I have to create sale order line in on change of route_id, but i am trying to using self.copy()
method, but there is issue of order_id. I didn't get order_id, because I need current record id of Sale Order instead of NewId.
@api.multi @api.onchange('route_id') def _onchange_route_id(self): # Ht stock route dosen't have enough quantity, add new sale order line remain_qty = 0 route_ht_stock = self.env.ref('custom_stock.route_warehouse0_ht_stock', raise_if_not_found=False) if self.route_id.id == route_ht_stock.id: if not self.product_id.qty_available >= self.product_uom_qty: remain_qty = self.product_uom_qty - self.product_id.qty_available new_line = self.copy(default = {'order_id': self.order_id}))