hello guys, i have migration on going from odoo 11 to odoo 13 and have something that i need to ask you about creating a record on transient model/wizard,
I'm using this code on odoo 11 and works fine
Odoo 11 Code
stock_return_picking = request.env['stock.return.picking']\
.sudo().with_context(active_ids=picking_done_id.ids, active_id=picking_done_id.ids[0]).create({})
res_stock_return_picking = stock_return_picking.create_returns()
but when in odoo 13 it didn't work so i see the test code from odoo 13 to create a return from sales and when i change my code like this it's work, is there any way to code it or it has to be like this using Form library from odoo.test? thank you
Odoo 13 Code
from odoo.tests import Form
stock_return_picking = Form(request.env['stock.return.picking']\
.sudo().with_context(active_ids=picking_done_id.ids, active_id=picking_done_id.ids[0], active_model='stock.picking')).save()
res_stock_return_picking = stock_return_picking.create_returns()