It's really hard to find php odoo documentation. I'm trying to create a product on odoo with the POST method. But when the product gets the unit of measure over POST, I cannot open the product on odoo. If I enter a value manually, the product card is opened like 1, 2, 3.
What definition should I make here?
$stokkodu = $_POST['stokkodu'];
$stokadi = $_POST['stokadi'];
$birim = $_POST['yenibirim'];
$id = $models->execute_kw($info['database'], $uid, $info['password'],
'create', // Fonksiyon
array(// Değer Dizesi
array(// İlk Kayıt
'default_code' => $stokkodu,
'name' => $stokadi,
'categ_id' => 2,
'uom_id' => $birim,