I would like to create a template for importing information into odoo. 14.0
The doubt is on the Payload part, where there is a sub-array containing the message information.
For odoo is it recommended to insert everything in a single record, or is it better to create a link to the table by calling the corresponding payload?
this is json Payload:
"id": null,
"uuid": "343a6ec2-89c5-498a-9b88-55669d71f6",
"sender": "20956319",
"recipient": "9eeb731d-f5ce-4690-87b6-48cb92bd22",
"messenger": "TG",
"messenger_id": "32_883148230",
"payload": {
"type": "text",
"text": "test",
"user": {
"id": "2096156319",
"name": "Roberto",
"image": null
"timestamp": "2021-12-03T12:19:33+0000"
"outgoing": false,
"statuscode": null,
"result": null,
"processed": null,
"sent": null,
"received": null,
"read": null,
"created": null
this the model on odoo:
sender = fields.Char('Sender', required=False, help='Sender of this message. Only required if present.')
recipient = fields.Char('Recipient', help='Recipient of this message. Only required if no identifier present.')
identifier = fields.Char('Identifier', help='Sender and recipient as a colon-separated string, as in :.')
uuid = fields.Char('uuid', help='Unique message identifier that can be used to reference the message later on.')
Thanks for answer