Dear Friends,
My question is
when create sale order lines, there are many items in order lines. when pressing button "Confirm Sale" delivery number will be created as Picking order and shipping order in Inventory module (if i set up two step in shipping).
I want to know is there any set up or customize module that allow me to define grouping rule when creating picking order and Shipping order from Sale order.
Example: Sale order SO001 has there lines: Item A qty 100 belong to shipper Shiper01, Item B qty 200, C qty 200 belong to Shipper02.
When creating Picking Order will separate two pick Orders PickOrder01 item A for Shipper01, PickOder02 item B,C for Shiper02 then shipping order created the same as well.
Could you guys please help to give some suggestions .
I really appreciated your help.