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2 Replies

Hi everyone,

I am trying to implement a multi-step wizard (to import a BOM, one step for each line). I have therefore created an initial wizard, where you upload the BOM file and which processes it (this part works).

Then I wanted to create a wizard, which is responsible for processing each line. Ideally, a windows should pop-up for each line and present the user with the list of matched products and allow the user to select the correct one or create a new product. For this part, I have no clue how to achieve it. I tried to create a new wizard:

class bom_import_process(models.TransientModel):
    _name = 'bom_import_process'

    current_line = fields.Integer(string="Current line", required=True)
    product_id = fields.One2many('product.template', string="possible products")

Now, I want to populate the wizard with data, from the wizard that processed the BOM:

    def import_BOM(self):
     # BOM processing is done here
    new_record = self.env['bom_import_process'].create({
            'current_line': 0,
            'product_id': self._get_possible_product_matches(products[0]),
    return {
            'name': _('Import line'),
            'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
            'view_type': 'form',
            'view_mode': 'form',
            'res_model': 'bom_import_process',
            'target': 'new',

And this part does not work at all. It fails with an SQL query:

ProgrammingError: column bom_import_process.current_line does not exist

My guess is, that I am miss-using the wizard and writing data to it (which is something the user should do). Is there a way how I could accomplish what I want to do?

Thanks in advance,


Author Best Answer

I have managed to solve the immediate problem myself: turns out I was using create() where I should have used write(). Or to be more precise: at first you create a record and then you can write data to it. With the following modification, the code works as desired:

        new_record = self.env['bom_import_process'].create({})
        write_dict = {
            'current_line': 15,
            'product_id': [(6, 0, [ for prod in self._get_possible_product_matches(products[0])])],

For this to work, I had to make 2 modifications in the bom_import_process class:

1) current_line should not be required (otherwise the write() operation fails)

2) product_id must be a many2many field, as you cannot have One2many fields in wizards (the wizard will be deleted from the database at some point, which would make it quite pointless for the other side, the one that stores the Many2one record)

Also, the odd syntax used in the dictionary key product_id is required by the ORM and is documented here: . In this case it just means: populate the Many2many field with the database ids given in the list.

Hope this helps anyone if you happen to stumble here from google.

Best Answer

Sounds like an amazing project. Is this a commercial module you're creating?
