i want to validate stock.picking with call button_validate() function through API in postman, but when i call that function, in postman always "Sending request... " and Odoo did not give any response. Below is my python code:
so_obj = request.env['sale.order'].search(
[('x_studio_agsi_order_id', '=', new_delivery_order['order_id'])])
for picking in so_obj.picking_ids:
for move_line in picking.move_line_ids_without_package:
move_line.qty_done = move_line.product_uom_qty
How to solve this? Why am I not getting a response? and are there any parameter settings in the odoo.conf file? Below is my odoo.conf file:
; This is the password that allows database operations:
admin_passwd = admin
db_host = localhost
db_port = 54377
db_user = odoo14e
db_password = False
;db_template = template1
addons_path = /opt/odoo14/addons/,/opt/odoo14-e/odoo/addons/
xmlrpc_port = 8014
limit_time_cpu = 1200
limit_time_real = 100000
Please help and hint.
Thank you very much.