I'm trying to create a custom customer statement report. I've inherited res_partner and have created a method to return an invoice contact as a res.partner object but can get it to display in the QWEb report. How do you call this correctly so I can insert a correctly formated address?
class Res_Partner(models.Model):
_inherit = 'res.partner'
def _get_postal_address(self):
partner_obj = self.env['res.partner']
add_ids = self.address_get(adr_pref=['invoice']) or {}
add_id = add_ids['invoice']
return partner_obj.browse(add_id)
<address t-field="_get_postal_address()" t-field-options="{"widget": "contact", "fields": ["address", "name"], "no_marker": true}"/>
I've tried t-esc and t-raw. And also tried creating a new field on res_partner but I either does not fire the method or if it does if creates an error.
For testing purposes I've made sure the record has an contact of type invoice.