from openerp import models, fields, api,_
import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp
from math import *
class traceur(models.Model):
_inherit = ['account.analytic.account']
traceur_ids = fields.One2many('contrat_traceur', 'contract_id', 'Traceurs')
contrat_traceur_ids = fields.Many2many('contrat_traceur')
# Script code to move the m2o data to m2m
def convert_o2m(self):
for rec in[('traceur_ids', '!=', False)]):
rec.write({'contrat_traceur_ids': [(6, 0, [])]})
def compute_tva(self):
IndentationError: unexpected indent
thank you so much
please i also need to convert one2many to many2many
if possible ?
i can access database and print "qweb" from field one2many is their fields
You still need to have a o2m object to use it in m2m.
The script will be similar to move the fields to m2m. You just need to access the o2m field in loop.