Hello, I have a question about continuous integration and tests.
As we really new to CI maybe someone can help with workflow.
Our WorkFlow is like this.
makes a commit -> push then Jenkins creates a new database and runs all tests from main odoo addons and then from our costume modules.
The problem is that for example in my custom add I do something like this(see code belowe).
The tests from sale_stock, sale, and purchase modules start crashing because in those tests there is no such group as we check in action_confirm method.
So I wonder maybe our workflow is bad?
maybe Odoo base modules tests should start first and after them, our custom modules should be installed?
def action_confirm(self):
super(SaleOrder, self).action_confirm()
user_id = self.env.uid or self._context.get('uid')
usr = self.env['res.users'].browse(user_id)
if not usr.has_group('config.group_allow_create_so'):raise AccessError(_('You dont have permission to confirm Sale Order, contact your system administrator'))