Why context is modified on below code of crm.lead model ? Sales team and stage_id are already comes in vals.
so,what the point to update context here?
def create(self, vals):
# set up context used to find the lead's sales team which is needed
# to correctly set the default stage_id
context = dict(self._context or {})
if vals.get('type') and not self._context.get('default_type'):
context['default_type'] = vals.get('type')
if vals.get('team_id') and not self._context.get('default_team_id'):
context['default_team_id'] = vals.get('team_id')
if vals.get('user_id') and 'date_open' not in vals:
vals['date_open'] = fields.Datetime.now()
# context: no_log, because subtype already handle this
return super(Lead, self.with_context(context, mail_create_nolog=True)).create(vals)