I have a search filter defined below
<filter string="Taller" name="ex_height_taller_1" domain="[('height','>',context.get('test_value', False))]" />
context.get can never get the context value pass into the view.After tracing the problem into pyeval.js, I notice the eval_domains function never take into consideration the custom context passed into the view.
It will only works for context values defined from the following function
instance.web.pyeval.context = function () {
return _.extend({
datetime: datetime,
context_today: context_today,
time: time,
relativedelta: relativedelta,
current_date: py.PY_call(
time.strftime, [py.str.fromJSON('%Y-%m-%d')]),
}, instance.session.user_context);
Is there a way to overcome this? I need to define a test_value base on the initial partner choose first for comparison.