i would like to consolidate two chart of account (A and B). That mean Chart of account A would be an virtual chart.
I am planning to write an wizar who will help me to set consolidation automaticaly; not manually. The fonction of this wizad will :
-select every account of chart A and set their internal type to "consolidation"
-search accounts who have the same code in the two charts (A and B)
-and then add the account of chart B into child_consol_ids.
So i write this code.
def consolidate_account(self, cr, uid, ids, holding_account_id, subsidiary_id, context=None):
Consolidates the subsidiary account on the holding account
Creates move lines on the move with id "move_id"
:param holding_account_id: ID of the account to consolidate
(on the holding), the method will
find the subsidiary's corresponding account
:param subsidiary_id: ID of the subsidiary to consolidate
:return: list of IDs of the created move lines
if context is None:
context = {}
account_obj = self.pool.get('account.account')
holding_account = account_obj.browse(cr, uid, holding_account_id,
subsidiary_account_id = account_obj.search(cr, uid,
[('code', '=', holding_account.code),
('company_id', '=', subsidiary_id)],
if not subsidiary_account_id:
# an account may exist on the holding and not in the subsidiaries,
# nothing to do
return []
browse_ctx = dict(context)
# 1st item because the account's code is unique per company
subs_account = account_obj.browse(cr, uid, subsidiary_account_id[0],
for account in subs_account:
holding_account.write(cr, uid, {'type' :'consolidation'}, context = context)
holding_account.append(cr,uid,{'child_consol_ids':account.id}, context=context)
return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
Can you help me.