Hi all, we're wanting to connect our internally-developed app to Odoo for SSO, so that when the (signed in) user clicks a link in our app, they are redirected to our Odoo site and automatically signed in (not needing them to select "signin with Google" or anything like that, it should be straight through with no user intervention).
We're using AWS Cognito. I've been looking at various third party solutions but as a bit confused by the various things they are saying - some are saying we need to store user details on their solution, is this the case? Has anyone on this forum connected their own app with AWS Cognito to Odoo, and can you advise how you did it?
We have a similar question along those lines. Trying to tie Odoo (self hosted) SSO into a number of other Open Source platforms we host as well. So user management can all be handled by Odoo and for billing as well. I don't think we've come up with a good solution yet.