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2 Replies

I'm working with openerp 7...Correct me if i'm wrong. When you add a follower for a document, for example a contact if that document changes stage the follower has to receive an email...If this cocept is right, how do i do that?

Best Answer

you can select the type for what you want to get mails.there are sub types from that you can check boxes related that you will get mails
eg(in opportunities) Opportunity Won Opportunity Lost Discussions Stage Changed Lead to Opportunity Lead Created your outgoing mail server must configured;)


Thanks...another question...i saw that the subtypes defined are on changes of stage, opportunity won, Opportunity Lost, etc...but if a want the followers to receive an email if a field in a document changes is that possible?...for example, i chage the field probability that is a number in the opportunity document and i need the followers to receive a mail telling them about the that possible?

Hi! I desperately trying to add a group to the followers in coding, but I'm still looking for answers.