I am buying and seling products that have various options.
For example office chairs. They have a model (the product) and various options to enhance the product.
leather seat, 4d armpads, imitation leather, seat in color, polished aluminium base, counterseat version etc etc, can be up to approx 15 options.
I have searched the forum and the documentation, but cant find a clear explanation on how to configure this in Odoo.
Product variants isnt really an option imo since it would mean thousands of variants
anyone a suggestion?
You may want to take a look at the OdooMRP (Odoo Manufacturing Resource Planning), and OCA (Odoo Community Association) projects to see if there are any modules related to product attributes, or product variants that can help:
and the app store for Odoo [8.0 Series]:
For example this may be of interest to you:
I'd also recommend joining the community mailing lists here:
And posing your question to the community there as well (perhaps the eCommerce mailing list, and Inventory/MRP mailing list).
As a note of forewarning, there is a fair amount of email from people communicating with each other in that list, my personal preference was to setup a gmail account specifically for the mailing lists and forums so that my regular inboxes did not fill up with Odoo community conversations.
I think you will find what you are looking for in these areas as well as this help forum.
Cheers Luke, Ill join up on the ML. Took a look at the variant_multi, but i couldnt see a difference when adding a product and adding it to a purchase order. (no so called "generator")