How to setup product variants based on conditional attribute value?
For example, I have:
- Product "Samsung galaxy Note 10".
- Attribute: RAM/ Color.
- With Blue and Black color version, I have 64GB, 128GB
- With White color version, I have 128GB, 256 GB
How can I set up the particular variants of the product? It's means, when I choose the Black version, I only see and can choose 64GB and 128 GB RAM version.
This is setup in the demo database for the Customizable Desk product. This has legs rather than RAM as the first attribute and the combination of Aluminium legs and Black color is blocked. Can you explain what is different about your requirement?
Product Customizable Desk (CONFIG) on demo version has 6 variants.
But, I just wanna:
- Legs/ Steel, only has Color/White when I choose.
- Legs/ Al has Color/Black, Color/White or maybe Color/Yellow if I want.
It's means, color attribution filtered by legs attribution
How can I config or deactivate the variants unexpected.
You can deactivate those variants quite easily but they are still shown (as shown in the screenshots at https://odootricks.tips/using-variants-colour-size-fit/#limit). Is that the problem? You don't want the other options to be shown at all?