Hi together,
today I realized, that Odoo 12 (and I think the newer versions also) do not safe the data as it should:
The account.invoice Model has a state and defines the "readonly=True" flag as default and it only set it to False on the draft state.
BUT: You can still change the account.invoice.line after the account.invoice state is 'done'. (For example in an self.env['account.invoice.line'].write() call or if you make a new view that is directly on account.invoice.line.
So I wondering about it, because if the system does not prevent the change, Odoo is not conform on all western markets. Currently only the GUI-Logic is preventing from saving an already done invoice (if you go through account.invoice directly), but if you would use the xmlrpc api or you have a server.action that addresses it directly, there is no prevention!
Am I doing something wrong? Or is it right, that this is still possible?