i have one2many computed field
i have one2many computed field
attachment_ids = fields.One2many('ir.attachment', 'res_partner_id', string='Attachment', compute='_get_files')
in my function _get_files i build data:
data_attach = {
'name': fileo['Name'],
'type': 'url',
'url': url1,
'datas_fname': fileo['Name'],
'res_model': 'res.partner',
'res_id': self.id,
when i want to attach this data to my one2many field i write :
self.attachment_ids = [(0, 0, data_attach)] ==> doesn't work
i tried with :
self.attachment_ids |= self.env['ir.attachment'].create(data_attach)
it's work but not what i want if someone had this issue please thank you in advance