I am trying to create a report for payslip batch (hr.payslip.run model) in odoo8. Everything is good. I have my report with the list of employee and their net salaries. I would like to have at the buttom of report, the sum or total of all net salaries. How can i do it?
How can i call this function in qweb report to have the payslip batch sum in my report?
def get_payslip_data(self, cr, uid, context=None):
retval = {}
payslip_ids = []
slip_run_ids = context.get('active_ids')
slip_runs = self.pool.get('hr.payslip.run').browse(cr, uid, slip_run_ids, context=context)
payslip_obj = self.pool.get('hr.payslip')
for run in slip_runs:
payslip_ids.extend([x.id for x in run.slip_ids])
payslips = payslip_obj.browse(cr, uid, payslip_ids, context=context)
net_total = 0
net_salary_rule_id = self.pool.get('ir.model.data').get_object_reference(cr, uid, 'hr_payroll', 'hr_rule_net')[1]
for payslip in payslips:
lines = payslip_obj.get_visible_lines(cr, uid, payslip.id, context=context)
net_salary = sum(x.total for x in lines if x.salary_rule_id.id == net_salary_rule_id)
net_total += net_salary
retval[payslip] = {
'net_salary': net_salary,
return (retval, net_total)