I have this case:
class MyClass()
field1 = fields.Char()
field2 = fields.Selection([(1)(2)(3)])
field3 = fields.Integer()
field4 = fields.Integer()
field5 = fields.Integer()
field6 = fields.Integer()
def my fun(self):
for data in self:
if field2 =='option1':
field3 = 0
~ in view field4 gets an input (integer) and the form is saved and the these records go to database so far so good now comes my stuck when i try to create another record like this:
def my_another_fun(self):
for data in self:
if field2 == '(option2)':
field5 = field4 +1
At this point i don't know how to compute field5 based on the field4 stored valued
thanks in advance.
Thank u Mohammed Amal my code in @api.depends is syntactically like u suggested it was my mistake when posted, so i tried to edit it but didn't happen. The problem is that i can't compute based on a stored record.
I already have found what causes the issue. This seems to be simple but in terms of what i want to achieve it is complex. Thanks to all who read the post and most to Mohammed Amal for his kind answer.