So I have the following scenario in Odoo v15:
My company currency is set to EUR but in my POS I use a USD pricelist.
My bank journal is in EUR (same as my company), because that is the currency that my bank provides me with the statements.
However, at closing of POS when I book the journal entries,
accounts receivable is 200 USD
the outstanding receipt account expects 200 EUR
it does not take care of the conversion for me.
If I set my bank journal to USD, then it expects $200 USD(which is the correct amount). However, this forces me to enter my bank statements in USD as well.
What am I doing wrong and how can I get this to work?
Best regards,
Thank you for your question. A main reason why it's happening might be that there is no conversion rate registered at the date of this outstanding receipt. Could you verify if it is the case or not?
Thank you,
Hi Marius,
Here is a link to a video explaining my issue in more detail.